Saturday, May 05, 2012

May Day! May Day! Our Windows Are Being Smalled!

Anarchists have a new weapon of protest: magic wands.

Or so it seems after reading an Associated Press article published in the May 2nd, 2012 print edition of the Press-Republican (page A9: "Stinging gas sends protesters fleeing").  Discussing protests across the US on May 1st, the third paragraph states:

"Black-clad protesters in Seattle used sticks to small downtown windows..."

OK, you might think:  Why aren't the protesters smashing windows with plain old normal sticks?  Well, as far as I know, there's no law against smalling windows, reducing them in size.

So what's the harm?  Well, imagine you have a great line-up of merchandise in your shop's display window and now that window has been reduced to a peephole.  How can you entice potential customers on the street when your panes are only one inch by one inch in size, a large wall now blocking the view into your business?

Oddly enough, when I found the AP article online, it read "...used sticks to smash windows..."

The Press-Republican must have the inside scoop on the magic wand angle, radical Harry Potter fans on the loose.  After all, PR editors proofread pages before sending them to the printing press, thus maintaining the highest standards of journalistic excellence.

Word on the street: recently more PR employees have been canned, including three in editorial.  Downsizing continues.  Apparently the paper's owners, Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc., hasn't figured out this equation: Smaller staff = declining quality = less readers = less profit.

The downward spiral continues.

Last one out, please turn off the newswire.

(Note to sticklers: Yes, the distress signal is mayday, not May Day, repeated three times, not twice.  I'm just punning ya. )

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