I was walking along and it finally stopped raining, no need for the umbrella. As the clouds broke up and the sun ended another day journey, a light show ensued, photo ops with nature.
The following images were all taken on August 25th, 2011. Sunset for that day was listed at 7:45 PM for Plattsburgh. The following times are from my camera's meta-data which I assume is pretty accurate.
The eerie cloud was spotted over the Plattsburgh Plaza parking lot, upper Cornelia Street at around 7:38 PM. I'm guessing that the low sun, almost set below the horizon, was creating the Northern Lights effect on the underside of the cloud.
I caught this almost straight up rainbow at 7:44 PM, after sunset. This is the latest I've ever seen an evening rainbow.
This scene with the intense clouds was taken at 7:56 PM. It was quickly becoming dark at this point. Seen from the CVPH grounds.
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