Thursday, March 29, 2012

Approved By The Hed Office?

Spotted this earlier today at the Press-Republican website:

So since North Country Community College is looking for a new president, a semi-illiterate reader might think the story is about the search for a new "hed" of NCCC.

Actually, hed in journalistic circles refers to headline. Apparently this Breaking News item was so important that it was thrown up without a proper headline. After all, the PR has to beat out all other media to get the scoop about the latest development in NCCC's presidential search.

Instead of using "Main Hed" as a place holder, what not use a better filler? "This Space For Rent," for example. Or better yet: "READ WRITOG.COM TODAY!"

As more staff is cut and fewer employees take on greater workloads, expect to see more hedcases like this one.

It's a basic formula: Downsizing staff = declining quality = declining readership. Let the downward spiral continue, thanks to the hedquarters of Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc.

(Note: Unlike some PR reporters, I did use a spellchecker program with this post. My misspellings are deliberate.)

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