Compact digital camera. Some people react to it as if I’m walking around with an automatic weapon. Guns and cameras use two completely different modes of shooting. A camera is non-lethal.
Kinda lost and confused. My friend pulls his car into a parking lot on the decommissioned Plattsburgh Air Force Base. He’s trying to find a business in the area. I notice an old building with character. I ask him if he would wait a moment so that I could photograph the abandoned structure with its weatherworn exterior.
I get out, walk over, and start shooting. Another car pulls up next to me, some guy wearing sunglasses. Mr. Shades asks me what I’m doing. I explain that I’m just photographing the peeling paint.
MR. SHADES: “Do you have permission?”
I look at him. Since it was decommissioned, most areas on the base are open to the public.
ME: “I need permission?”
That statement catches him off guard. He explains that he’s a maintenance person who was wondering what I was doing. Since I only have a camera in my hand – no lock pick or crowbar on me – the answer should be obvious.
Mr. Shades drives off. Apparently I don’t need permission.
Now I wonder what’s inside that building. A crashed flying saucer holding Jimmy Hoffa’s skeleton and the answers to the next SAT exam?
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