Today I ran into some friends at a downtown coffeehouse. They introduced me to the other people at their table as a photographer who takes shots of dog litter.
The preceding images of a recent lunar eclipse should prove that I engage in other activities besides documenting the lack of proper sanitary attention in Plattsburgh.
The first image - taken with my compact digital camera - is a composite using a photo-editing program called GIMP. While exposing for the clock face, the moon lost all its detail. So I used replaced the glaring moon by pasting in another image – albeit one taken at a longer focal length – with the correct exposure.
The second image is scanned from film, taken with a zoom lens set at 210mm.
So after this post maybe one aspect of my work won’t dog me the next time I’m being introduced.
Great shots! I've used gimp in the past and once I learned the tools, preferred it vastly to photoshop (plus, it was free). Is the clock actually showing the correct time?
- JT
The somewhat larger, properly-exposed shot of the moon was taken at 8:50 PM; the clock at 9 PM, according to the data from my digital camera. So either the city's clock was 1 minute behind or my camera's clock was one minute fast. Since the eclipse happens at a slow pace, I think it's OK to combine two shots taken within ten minutes of each other. Then again, I'm a photographer, not a scientist trying to faithfully document the event.
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