Don’t ask me the exact date when these shots taken. I try to note and index all my film but sometimes the system fails (mainly because I screw up). Due to my limited photographic budget, exposed but unprocessed film keeps accumulating in my refrigerator. I do code each roll but that code has to be cross-indexed with my notes – notes that somehow get lost. So all I end up with is the year the roll was shot and its sequence number.
Thanks to the courtesy of a Mr. B, I have access to a film scanner. So now I get my rolls processed and then scan the best shots from each roll at home.
Why don’t I use a digital SLR? The same reason why 25 exposed rolls of film are sitting in my fridge.
I do have a compact digital camera but it sucks when doing fireworks. I like long exposures and with my compact digital such exposures record the pyrotechnical trails against a bright blue sky.
Also, my array of lenses for my film SLR cover a wider range, unlike the limited zoom range with my compact digital.
All I can tell you about these shots is they were taken last year, down by the Champlain Monument on Cumberland Avenue (I recognize the location). Best guess: fireworks from the Battle of Plattsburgh.

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