The other day I was at the public library and noticed two representatives of the Press-Republican – a reporter and a photographer – with the director. The journalistic duo was working on a story. Maybe, I thought, the PR would address some real issues.
Yesterday the story appeared online and in print, complete with a photograph of the library director. The slant of the article is that usage is up at the library despite budget cuts by the city.
The library director was paraphrased to the effect that the Plattsburgh Public Library “remains one of the city's shining entities.” But as I’ve mentioned before, it appears the city doesn’t share her vision.

I like the director. She’s professional and pleasant. Considered as an entity, the library does do a good job. But there is more to an institution than its organization and services, a point not made in the puff piece masquerading as an article.

The reporter and the photographer apparently entered the library by the front entrance. Apparently a few items didn’t trip them up. Maybe they’re both color-blind, that bright orange just looks like another shade of gray to them.

Or maybe when it comes to news, the newspaper is just blind. For example, right outside the Press-Republican offices on Margaret Street is a mess paid for by taxpayer dollars. Isn’t it obvious that the construction company hired to renovate the streets and sidewalks cut corners when it created beds of muddy gunk where green grass used to be? And as I’ve asked before, what is that crap, what’s in it? And if you don't think the glop between the sidewalks and curbs isn’t that bad, trying stepping in it -- right up to your ankles.
The Press-Republican plays it safe, staying within comfortable boundaries, a sleepy town paper. Maybe such issues as repeatedly patched-up steps and other sloppy fixes are relatively minor, but they reflect on the larger picture. Anyway, who wants to live in a city where parts of it look like a third world country?
Press-Republican: skip the puff pieces. Time for some muck-raking.