Saturday, December 16, 2006

Feeding (And Fooling) The Pigeons

The City of Plattsburgh has made sure the pigeons will be well-fed this winter.

As detailed in a previous post, the city hired a construction company to renovate the streets. During this renovation the lawn between the curb and the sidewalk was ripped up and carted away, leaving a shallow trench. Instead of placing sod strips down, the construction workers filled in the medians with soft soil that turns into muck during wet weather.

When the new soil was added, the workers rolled it down and added grass seed. The other day I noticed a flock of pigeons pecking away at a section of the median. I don’t think they were feeding on the soil. So whenever the grass seed does take hold, it’s going to look sparse.

Of course, the pigeons will be fat and happy thanks to another type of pigeon: the taxpayer.

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