Friday, July 15, 2016

Fresh Paint For Rusty Tombstones

Shiny fresh paint, still dead screen.


As I mentioned previously - Tax Dollars Not At Work - years ago the city installed information kiosks targeted at visitors new to the community.  Each unit displayed maps and points of interest downtown.  For a long time the video screens have been dead while the kiosks slowly oxidized.

Maybe someone read that post and feeling embarrassed had those electronic tombstones repainted.  No more visible rust but the video screens are still black.  Painting the kiosks probably didn't cost that much but what amount will be spent raising the screens back from the dead?  Shouldn't the video units have lasted much longer?

ITEM: Plattsburgh City was just awarded a $10 million grant to renovate downtown. How many more defective information kiosks will that amount buy? 

1 comment:

Tal Hartsfeld said...

They waste taxpayer dollars
...then, after overspending on useless entities, sound the alarm for budget cuts.