
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Free Spirit

Healer Linda Marie Hill (right) explains what she senses about the energy field of an audience volunteer.

Spirits must be freed from this earthly plane.

That was the theme of Linda Marie Hill's lecture at the Second Annual Northern NY Paranormal Expo held at the Plattsburgh City Recreation Center. Her presentation entitled Spirit Release included the participation of volunteers from the audience who believed they were being negatively affected by attached spirits.

Why do spirits remain in this earthly plane? There are a variety of reasons, explained Linda. After someone dies, he might be afraid to go on to the next level, fearing punishment by God. Such spirits seek attachment to living individuals.

She admitted that her beliefs were unusual to most people. That consensus by society at large didn't make her hold back during her presentation. Linda projected the impression of an independent mind, confident, outgoing, reaching out to her listeners. Her small audience was attentive, open to her thoughts.

When she asked for volunteers come forward and help to demonstrate her skills, three readily volunteered, two women and one man. Using different tools of her trade such as a pendulum and L-shaped dowsing rods, Linda detected the energy field surrounding each volunteer.

A person's energy field should be egg-shaped, she stated, close to the physical body. When there is a psychic imbalance, the turmoil can distort and grow the field. One volunteer stood on one side of the room while Linda moved away, searching for the edge of the volunteer's personal field. Linda's dowsing L-rod didn't turn until she was on the other side of the room, showing the expansiveness of the field, an area invisible to most people.

No one openly scoffed during the presentation. It was obvious that believers were here, individuals who genuinely thought that spirit attachment was real and such healers as Linda could release victims of such attachments. A volunteer's facial expression revealed inner pain.

At one point Linda spoke to a man sitting in the front row, reassuring him that everything was OK, touching him on the arm. She understood his distress.

Linda mentioned that she met someone who had visited the Vietnam War Memorial. The woman ended up with thousands of spirits attached to her, souls that didn't want to leave.

Spirits can attach through a variety of ways. Computers with their electro-magnetic radiation can weaken one's energy field. Visiting an Internet porn site can make the viewer vulnerable, unleashing porn spirits. Spirits are neither necessarily good or bad, Linda said, but they must be released to enter the higher plane and continue the cycle of life.

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