
Thursday, June 20, 2019

Nailed It

 "Hey, there's a good spot to nail a yard sale sign, that tree in Trinity Park facing Margaret Street. The nails shouldn't hurt the tree."

"Let's put our sign next to that one that's been there for over a month. We'll make sure to really tape it down. It won't look unseemly."

"As Plattsburgh City officials we are disturbed by the vandalism to the tree but the perpetrators left no clues. How can we ever find them?"

Remember when Koffee Kat was told it couldn't tape up signs around town to promote a NAMI-CV event?

1 comment:

  1. I'd make a comment, but this post pretty much speaks for itself.
    And I've always been bothered by double standards.
    And they "haven't been able to find the perpetrators"? Do the Plattsburgh officials happen to be retired of former mail carriers by any chance? You know, the ones always delivering to the wrong addresses, or dumping letters into landfills and rivers because they gave up trying to figure out where said letters were supposed to be delivered.
