
Saturday, March 20, 2010

I Enjoy A Good Story

Case in point: the full page advertorial placed by Treasure Hunters Roadshow in the Wednesday, 3/10/10 edition of the Press-Republican (page A12).

Headline: Hundreds of People Cash in at the Plattsburgh Roadshow Yesterday.

Story: A gentleman (unnamed) ended up with a check for over $1250.00. Interviewed in the motel lobby, he is quoted: "I am so happy I decided to come to the Roadshow. I saw the newspaper ad for the event and brought in an old German sword I bought back from World War II and some old coins and here's my check. What a great thing for our community." The happy man was heading home to see what else he had lying around that he could cash in.

It's too bad that satisfied customer remains anonymous. I would like to interview him. If I was a reporter at the Press-Republican, I would follow up on the story. It would make a great human interest article.

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