
Monday, March 29, 2010

Don't Just Take My Word

In my previous post, "Is Ducky Quacking Up?," I responded to his recent commentary, "You Knew What The Deal Was All Along."

I wanted his commentary available so that others could compare what I have written but doesn't archive Ducky Drake's "Is It Just Me?" program, either as a transcript or as an audio file.

Sorry, I'm not going through the agony of transcribing his words. Even if I was really careful, someone would still claim I was distorting his points, reworking them in my transcription. So I've taken the other option and provided a link below to a MP3 copy of his commentary. Now you can contrast my previous posts, "The Drake Equation" and "Is Ducky Quacking Up?," to his own words.

Notice how Ducky doesn't name "the blogger." You'll have to ask him why.

Ducky Drake commentary 3/27/10

NOTE: If you click on the above link and it doesn't automatically play, click on the file name, select OPEN, and choose what media player you want to use.

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