
Tuesday, December 05, 2006


One of my previous posts dealt with a local woman using her car as a message board. Someone decided to share their viewpoint and left a comment.

I like well-reasoned opinions. Then there are ones such as the following:

Stable Person said...
You and her are BOTH CRAZY!!! How's welfare....Plattsburgh is the capital!! Jackass!!

Such a statement evinces astute acumen.

I tried to envision what sort of individual lurked behind the pseudonym, "Stable Person." At first I thought "Stable" referred to his mental state.

But then I noticed that he thinks the word "jackass" is a compliment. The answer was obvious. The commenter was born in a barn and lived in a stable. How appropriate for such a half-witted animal.


  1. What is most concerning to me is that you automatically assume stable person to be male. Stable person clearly went out of his/her way to make his/her identity gender neutral. If he is male, would he not have just gone with stable boy?

  2. Bones:

    I agree the commenter's pseudonym is gender neutral. But trolls are usually considered to be male.

    I was hoping that he or she would write again and reveal their gender, but apparently Stable Person is just stalling.
