
Thursday, August 03, 2006

Chopping At A Problem

Problem: If I expose for the poster in the window, the neon sign will be overexposed. And if I set the exposure for the neon sign, then the poster is lost in the dark.

So I take a shot with the exposure biased towards the neon light. Then on my computer I use a program called Picasa to adjust lighten the poster, making it easier to see. But the fill light option still ends up burning out detail on the KARATE neon.

I save a copy of the file with the properly exposed poster and then using another program, an early version of Photoshop, I combine both copies to produce a new one that represents what I saw with my eye.

And since I was at it, I “cheated” a little, removing the distracting reflections caused by the streetlights. Hey, I think I’m allowed fix an imperfection. After all, the fix isn’t that easy; it still takes some work. If you don’t believe me, try learning on your own to use a digital darkroom program like Picasa or Photoshop.

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